Philosophy (Greek for “love of wisdom”) addresses deep and fundamental questions of human existence: Is there a God? What is the meaning of life? What is ultimately real? What is mind, and how does it relate to the physical world? How should one make moral decisions? What is a just society? As the rigorous, systematic study of such big questions, philosophy is central to the mission of King’s College, which seeks to produce broadly educated men and women who possess a clear moral compass, are capable of articulate and critical reflection on the fundamental problems of the human condition, and are informed and reflective citizens.
How to get Started
You can start the Philosophy program in the Feb. or Sept terms. Follow these steps to finish your application:
- Want to learn more about YOU? Come see how YOU will help you achieve Your Path to Possible! Schedule a campus visit!
- Need help exploring career opportunities or navigating the admissions process? Schedule an appointment with an Admissions Counselor.
- Ready to apply? Complete an Application for Admission.
Estimated Cost
Program Length
8 Semesters
Virtual Learning
Start Term(s)
Awards offered