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Yonevas Open University

Registrars' Office

The mission of the Registrar’s Office is to provide timely, accurate information to students, faculty, staff, and alumni in a customer friendly environment. As the official record keeper of Yonevas College, the Registrar’s Office maintains academic files on every person who attended Yonevas Open University from 2022 to the present day and is available to answer questions related to degree requirements, graduation, transcripts, enrollment verification, and degree verification.
The Registrar’s Office is committed to student success by providing:

  1. Students with their Program Evaluation to track progress toward degree completion
  2. Access to the online catalog that details all academic programs and requirements
  3. Access to online forms for students and faculty
  4. Transcript Requests services for current and former students
  5. The Academic Calendar for important dates regarding registration, classes, and exams
  6. Coordination of all details related to annual Commencement ceremonies

Contact Registrar Office at

Core Value: Diversity and National Awareness

YOU faculty and staff contribute to creating an environment that celebrates the diverse and inclusive nature of the community as they foster cultural understanding and interactions and a welcoming and accessible campus environment for all groups provide a supportive environment for intellectual expression and civil communication by all groups.

YOU Diversity Statement

At Yonevas Open University, diversity means acceptance and respect of everyone in our community, and zero tolerance of hateful actions. we explore differences in a safe, positive, open and affirming environment. We are a diverse community where race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, and religious beliefs shape our experiences. We seek to create a campus free from bigotry and hate of all kinds. Embracing our diversity also reflects the commitment of students, faculty, administrators and staff to create an antiracist campus.