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Yonevas Open University
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Yonevas Open University Library

Yonevas digital library is an e-learning platform for researchers and learners, our database systems contain hundreds and thousands of texts, journals, articles, papers, handouts , and many other resources including audio records and videos, all designed for learning and skill acquisition. Our site visitors find lots of resources including self-help books, short stories containing facts , crime/investigation, romance, fantasy, fiction, literature , science and history books .

The Yonevas Open University Library serves the entire Yonevas community- across the virtual campus network, The Library provides collections and services supporting research and teaching across disciplines. Its collections are extensive, with a large proportion available digitally. The Library's collections include hundreds of e-books; e-journals; and streaming audio and visual titles. Access to print and electronic materials is provided through zlasic digitech , our school technology provider for all digital resources , The Library's Archives and Special Collections hold historical records and publications of Yonevas Open University and unique materials preserving the history of Foundation's social movements, public infrastructure, neighborhoods, and natural environments.

The digitech Library is open to all Yonevas Open University students, faculty, and staff, with research experts readily available for collaborative work. The Library supports a range of creative activities and includes studios for audio recording, video production, and 3D printing which are made accessible by visiting our mini-campus in Lagos

Services provided by the Library include online research help, the latter including office hour- live chat with a reference librarian; subject-specialist librarians who provide in-depth consultation and research support for each academic program at the institution and an inter-library loan system for providing materials not readily available at Yonevas Open University. The Library actively supports the unique needs of active students in research and publishing through services such as citation management workshops, research data support, and digital scholarship services.

Library Resource Centers

The Library Resource Centers (LRC) provide a number of resources and services to YOU students and staff to encourage scholarly research and promote lifelong learning. The LRC provides an interactive and comfortable space for individual study, as well as space for collaborative group work.

Computers with internet access and Wi-Fi for personal devices are available, as well as scanning, printing, and color copying devices at the admin office

YOU offers access to many digital resources that are available on campus and remotely. YOU digital resources are accessible through My-ydl by selecting “Library (ydl)” in the MY-YDL menu. Academic databases and research resources, e-books, digital magazines, academic streaming video, and citation tools are some of the resources provided. In addition to digital resources, the LRC also provides access to print resources such as books, magazines and newspapers. Materials not owned by the YOU can be requested from another library through Interlibrary Loan. A valid student ID is required to check out materials.

In addition to research materials, theYOU also provides access to library professionals who can assist with learning how to navigate and use library resources individually or in a classroom setting. Students can drop by the YOU Admin center in person, or schedule a virtual meeting by phone or email. YOU staff can provide general orientations or guidance for specific assignments in the classroom by appointment.

Current YOU students and staff should login to My-ydl to access library databases. To login from home, see this information page.

All students are welcome to engage in any research of their interest , library resources are accessible to all registered students in different area of study at Yonevas Open University

All current students and Yonevas Open University graduates retain their access to our digital tools and full support provided by our librarians and research team to encourage continuous inquiries and implementation of most updated data for learning

girls computer

All students are welcome to engage in any research of their interest , library resources are accessible to all registered students in different area of study at Yonevas Open University

All current students and Yonevas Open University graduates retain their access to our digital tools and full support provided by our librarians and research team to encourage continuous inquiries and implementation of most updated data for learning